Pursuant to the Members’ Remuneration and Pensions Act, each Member of the Legislative Assembly receives basic compensation, with an additional salary if they hold a ministerial or parliamentary position. Information on Members’ compensation is reported publicly on the Legislative Assembly website and annually in the provincial Public Accounts.

Basic compensation for a Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) is established under the Members’ Remuneration and Pensions Act. Since April 1, 2024, the annual basic compensation each Member receives is $119,532.72. Pursuant to the Act, Members’ basic compensation is increased on April 1 of each year in accordance with the BC Consumer Price Index for the preceding calendar year.

Basic compensation is payable from election day until the day before the next election. It is processed by Payroll Services and paid bi-weekly by direct deposit to a Member’s bank account.

The current gross bi-weekly amount is $4,584.82. Compulsory deductions are made for the Canada Pension Plan and income tax. The income tax deduction is determined by the standard tax-table amount or any specified amount on the TD1 tax form, to be completed by each Member. Members cannot pay into, or receive benefits from, the federal Employment Insurance program.

Depending on the benefit plans chosen by each Member, deductions will also be made for the related plan premiums or the tax amount related to the value of the taxable benefit received, where the premiums are partly or fully paid by the Legislative Assembly.

Members are required to complete the following forms upon election or following any changes to their personal situation that would require the forms to be updated:

  • Personal Tax Credits Return TD1 (Federal and Provincial)
  • Direct Deposit Authorization
  • Emergency Contact Form
  • Group Life Beneficiary Designation Form
  • Pension Plan Member Record

Additional Benefit Forms are also available on the Client Care Portal:

  • Application for Optional Life Insurance Form
  • Application for Optional AD&D Form
  • Beneficiary Designation – Canada Life
  • Enrolment/Change/Termination for Extended Health Care and Dental Plan Form
  • Evidence of Insurability Form
  • Optional Family Funeral Benefit Form

Forms can be submitted to Client Care.

Members who hold ministerial or parliamentary roles receive an additional salary that corresponds to a percentage of their basic compensation. If a Member holds two or more positions for which an additional salary is granted, the Member will receive pay only for the position that pays the higher amount.

Click here for an outline of the amount paid with respect to service in any of the listed positions. The amount is paid in addition to the basic compensation on the bi-weekly payroll and is fully taxable.

The additional salary paid to a Member elected as Chair or Deputy Chair of a parliamentary committee is included in a Member’s bi-weekly pay. Payment will be made from the date the resolutions electing the Chair and Deputy Chair are passed by the committee until the last day of the bi-weekly pay period in which prorogation of the session occurs.

All Members are expected to have accommodation within reasonable distance to the Legislative Precinct so they may attend sessions of the Legislature, participate in the work of assigned parliamentary committees, and undertake other Member duties, as required. The Capital City Living Allowance (CCLA) provides funds for a Member to have temporary accommodation in the Victoria area while serving as an MLA. The Capital City Living Allowance is available to Members whose primary residence is located 40km or more by road or ferry from the Legislative Precinct. The Speaker may also deem a Member eligible for this allowance if, for health or accessibility reasons, the Member requires secondary accommodation in Victoria to conduct their parliamentary duties.

If a Member not eligible for the Capital City Living Allowance is unable to return home in exceptional circumstances, such as inclement weather, the Speaker may extend the coverage of a hotel stay in Victoria.

Members are required to complete a Capital City Living Allowance form to receive the Capital City Living Allowance. There are several options available to Members for the Capital City Living Allowance, depending upon whether they decide to rent accommodation, to purchase a second residence, or to stay in commercial hotel accommodation for days they must be in Victoria.

Option 1: Rental

A Member who lives 40km or more from the Legislative Precinct, and who rents a second residence in the Victoria area to fulfill their duties as a Member, may seek reimbursement to a maximum of $25,325 per fiscal year effective April 1, 2024, for:

  • Rent;
  • Utilities;
  • Basic telephone, cable, and internet service;
  • Furniture rental (maximum of $175 per month, or $2,100 per fiscal year);
  • Apartment content insurance; and,
  • Parking.

A Member may authorize Financial Services to pay rent directly to the landlord. All other expenses will be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts.

To be eligible for reimbursement, the rental arrangement must be with an arm’s length person; as such, the Capital City Living Allowance form requires a signed arm’s-length declaration. An arm’s-length relationship or agreement is defined as a transaction between persons in which each act in their own self-interest. Arm’s-length individuals are, generally, persons who are not related to a Member and who are not involved in other business with the Member. Members are not considered to have an arm’s-length relationship with: individuals connected by blood relationship, marriage, or adoption (legal or in fact); former business associates; staff of caucus; political party members; donors to the political party (though they may not be party members); or any other persons the Legislative Assembly Management Committee may designate from time to time.

Option 2: Ownership

A Member who lives 40km or more from the Legislative Precinct, and who owns a second residence in the Victoria area to fulfil their duties as a Member, may seek reimbursement to a maximum of $25,325 per fiscal year effective April 1, 2024, for:

  • Furniture rental (maximum of $175 per month, or $2,100 per fiscal year);
  • Insurance;
  • Parking;
  • Utilities;
  • Property taxes;
  • Strata fees and,
  • Basic telephone, cable, and internet service.

Members may authorize Financial Services to pay expenses directly to a property manager or strata council. All other expenses will be reimbursed upon the presentation of receipts.

Option 3: Hotel

Members who choose this option will be reimbursed to a maximum of $22,288 per fiscal year effective April 1, 2024, for hotel expenses, including parking and internet services, upon presentation of receipts. The costs to Members of staying in a hotel in the Victoria area for the purposes of attending a parliamentary committee meeting are not counted against the maximum.

Grandfathered Options

Prior to January 1, 2019, Members had the option of choosing a flat rate of $1,000 per month, amounting to a maximum of $12,000 per fiscal year. Effective January 1, 2019, this option was eliminated. Those Members who were on that option at the time have the choice of staying on that option for the duration of their uninterrupted terms of Parliament or switching to one of the other options. No supporting documentation is required under this option; however, no further reimbursements may be claimed by Members who continue with this option. This grandfathered option is treated as income for tax purposes, with deductions held at source.

Requesting a Change

In order to switch options mid-fiscal year (April 1-March 31), Members must submit the CCLA form and supporting documents to Client Care before the end of the month prior to when the change will take effect. All allowances are pro-rated based on the amount of months under which the Member subscribed to each option. Additionally, if a Member is newly elected in the middle of a month, the amount for that month will be pro-rated by the amount of days remaining until the month ends.

Example: If the Member switches from Rent with Receipts (RWR) to Hotel with Receipts (HWR) in February, then the Member is entitled to ten months of reimbursement for RWR and two months of reimbursement for HWR.

RWR: $25,325.00/12 = $2,110.42 per month. $2,110.42 x 10 months = $21,104.17

HWR: $22,288.00/12 = $1,857.33 per month. $1,857.33 x 2 = $3,714.67

Maximum allowable allowance for the fiscal year: $21,104.17 + $3,714.67 = $24,818.84

If Members exceed the maximum allowable allowance for the fiscal year they are required to pay the Legislative Assembly the overages. An invoice is issued by Financial Services with a breakdown of allowances and payments.

An MLA may claim up to $61 per day either when in Victoria or when travelling throughout the province on work-related trips. The per diem reimbursement is intended to cover the cost of meals and incidental expenses while a Member is away from their home or constituency. A per diem is not claimable when a Member is working in their constituency, except when attending a parliamentary committee meeting in their riding or if the Member travelled more than 50 kilometers in one day (excluding mileage between the Member’s home and constituency office).

Further details are available in the section on Travel Guidelines.

As required by the Members’ Remuneration and Pensions Act, Members must maintain a record of their attendance at House sittings and prepare a declaration outlining the reason for any absences. This declaration must be submitted to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly or their designate between the 1st and 15th day of January and July each calendar year. Any absence in excess of those permitted under the Act will be deducted by Payroll Services at the rate of $300 per day from the Member’s basic compensation upon receipt of instructions from the Clerk.

In the unfortunate event that a Member passes away while holding office, basic compensation will be paid until the end of the month in which the Member dies. Final payments will be made to the Member’s estate. The designated beneficiary should contact Client Care for details regarding final payments and benefits. Payroll Services will contact the constituency office with instructions.