The life insurance plan provides Members with life insurance and offers optional spouse and dependent life insurance, optional additional life insurance, and optional accidental death and dismemberment insurance.

For more details, see the Benefits Guide located on the Client Care Portal. The applicable forms are also available on the Client Care Portal.

Employee Basic Life Insurance is mandatory. No enrolment is necessary; every Member is automatically covered following election to the Legislative Assembly.


Amount of life insurance coverage is based on 3 times the amount of annual salary, or the employer-paid minimum coverage of $100,000, whichever is greater.

Coverage includes: basic life insurance; benefits for accidental dismemberment and loss of sight; advance payment for terminal illness; and funeral advance.

There is no cash surrender value for group life insurance.

Payment and Rates 

The premium for the first $100,000 of insurance coverage is employer paid. The employer paid portion is a taxable benefit.

Designating a Beneficiary 

In the event of the Member’s death while in office, the plan pays a benefit to a named beneficiary. The original copy of the Group Life Beneficiary Designation Form must be submitted to Client Care.

Please drop it off or mail it to:

Client Care

Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

612 Government Street

Victoria, B.C. V8V 1X4

If a beneficiary is not designated by completing the form, the benefit will be paid to the Member’s estate. If there are any changes to a designation (e.g., change of beneficiary, address, surname), please complete a new form and submit it to Client Care.

The group life benefit payment is non-taxable when paid to a designated beneficiary. A benefit payment made to an estate becomes part of the proceeds of the estate for tax purposes.

The Optional Family Funeral Benefit provides life insurance in the event of the death of a spouse or dependent payable to the Member under the age of 65.

Coverage: Life insurance in the amount of $10,000 for spouse and $5,000 per dependent child.

The beneficiary of this coverage is the Member. Members must apply for coverage within 60 days or the earlier of: election as a Member; or acquiring a first spouse or dependent.

This coverage also applies to common-law relationships; however, a statutory declaration will be required in the event of a claim. Return the Optional Family Funeral Benefit Form to Client Care for certification and processing.

Group Life Insurance coverage in these circumstances begins:

  • The day a Member is eligible, if application is made before a Member is eligible; or
  • The day the application is signed, if signed during the 60-day enrolment period; or
  • The date the application is approved by Canada Life Assurance Company, if applied for after the 60-day enrolment period. Evidence of insurability and health will be required.

Additional life insurance is available if Members want to supplement their employee basic life insurance or if Members wish to insure any of their dependents. For this insurance, Members must complete the Application for Optional Life Insurance Form.

Employee Optional Life Insurance 

This optional plan provides employee life insurance in addition to basic life insurance. Members may select insurance in units of $25,000 up to a maximum of $1 million. The beneficiary of this coverage is the same as designated for basic life insurance, unless otherwise specified.

Spouse Optional Life Insurance 

This optional plan provides life insurance for a Member’s spouse. Members may select insurance in units of $25,000, up to a maximum of $500,000. Members are the beneficiary of the life insurance.

Child Optional Life Insurance

This optional plan provides life insurance for any or all dependent children that Members choose to cover. Evidence of insurability is not required and Members may select insurance in units of $5,000 up to a maximum of $20,000. Members are the beneficiary of the life insurance.


There are two opportunities for Members to apply or update their optional life insurance plans after their initial enrolment (which will require evidence of insurability):

  1. Once a year, for the change to be effective April 1 of that year, applications must be received by the end of the second week of March.
  2. Eligible life events, as defined below, allow Members to make changes within 60 days of the event:
  • Marriage or entering a common-law relationship;
  • Divorce, separation or the end of a common-law relationship;
  • Birth or adoption of a child;
  • Loss of a child’s status as a dependent (e.g., marriage, age limit, no longer a student);
  • Change in a child’s eligibility that allows coverage under the program; and
  • When a spouse gains or loses benefits.

AD&D insurance is available to supplement Members’ basic life insurance coverage and to cover any of their dependents as a result of accidental death or the loss of use of limbs, sight, speech, or hearing. This benefit does not provide coverage due to illness. Coverage is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Evidence of insurability is not required. To opt in for this insurance, Members must complete the Application for Optional AD&D Coverage Form.

Three plans are available: 

  1. Employee optional AD&D: Members may select insurance in units of $25,000, up to a maximum of $500,000.
  2. Spouse optional AD&D: Members may select insurance in units of $25,000, up to a maximum of $500,000.
  3. Child optional AD&D: Members may select insurance in units of $10,000, up to a maximum of $250,000.

The beneficiary of this coverage is:  

  • In the event of a Member’s death: the same as designated for basic life insurance unless otherwise specified.
  • In the event of spouse’s or child’s death: the Member.
  • In the event of eligible injury to the Member: the Member.
  • In the event of eligible injury to spouse or child: the Member.

The amount of AD&D insurance purchased is called the principal sum. For example, if two units of $25,000 are purchased for a Member, their principal sum is $50,000. If three units of $25,000 are purchased for a Member’s spouse, their spouse’s principal sum is $75,000.

Depending on the loss a Member, their spouse, or their child suffers as a result of an accident, a percentage of the applicable principal sum is payable.

Group aviation accident insurance provides protection for Members when traveling by air on parliamentary business, including limited ground travel to and from the airport. This insurance is provided in addition to group life coverage where applicable.

Type of Accident  Group 1 
(Speaker and Executive Council Members) 
Group 2 
(MLAs – Private Members) 
Loss of Life  $200,000  $125,000 
Dismemberment or Loss of Sight  $200,000  $125,000 
Permanent or Total Disability  $200,000  $125,000 
Blanket Medical  $2,500  $2,500 


The combined limit for all Members as a result of a single accident is $10 million. For example, if a single accident involving several insured individuals occurred, the amount payable to each beneficiary would be pro-rated between the number of Members and the group to which they belonged (see table above).


The Legislative Assembly pays the full premium for this benefit for all eligible Members.


Any benefit payable under the policy will be paid to the beneficiary designated on file at the time of death, under the group life insurance plan.

If a Member is not covered by group life insurance, or no designation has been made, the benefit will be paid to the Member’s estate.


The policy does not cover Members piloting an aircraft.


Group aviation accident insurance coverage will end when a Member’s term of office ends.