Members work in the context of specific statutory provisions, and the following Acts provide some important provisions in conjunction with their parliamentary role.

Constitution Act  
Provides basic powers and functions for executive and legislative branches of government in British Columbia.

Legislative Assembly Management Committee Act  
Outlines the membership, powers, duties, proceedings, and business of the Legislative Assembly Management Committee, and how they relate to the duties and powers of the Speaker.

Legislative Assembly Privilege Act  
Outlines the privileges, immunities, and powers that the Legislative Assembly, its Members, and committees hold and exercise.

Members’ Conflict of Interest Act  
Provides a statutory framework for defining standards of official conduct for Members and outlines public disclosure of their financial interests.

Members’ Remuneration and Pensions Act
Outlines Members’ compensation and salary, including expenses incurred when representing the Legislative Assembly and when participating in committee activities, and provides information on deductions for absence or suspension and on the Member’s attendance declaration process.